Friday, October 22, 2010

Quie for Horner

Quie endorses Horner, we live on Quie Lane, coincidence? I think not.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Blue and Red bad Primary Colors

Time to get political again. To followup a Democrat President/Rep Senator split ticket the only logical next step is to go independent on the governor. A balanced budget and a governor who treats tax spending as investments with future returns.

Who's with me?

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Viva la Vivian

I finally found a link that explains to me everything it means to have VCF and 22q11 deletion disorder. If you know our daughter Vivian this will make it a lot clearer what she has. When your missing part of a chromosome and thus your DNA and thus the blueprint for your body, those things it was going to help build can grow abnormally. So far Vivi has had a very mild case of 22q11 with the Tetrology of Fallot heart defect being the only major issue.

or more generally

Friday, June 4, 2010

Umpire book covers are cooler then you realize

This discovery started by the fact that I once bought 
someone a book called "Planet of the Umps" as a 
wedding gift.

Then Evan and Casey were found reading a book called 
"As They See 'Em: A Fan's Travels in the Land of Umpires".

Knowing those two titles as the only two umpire books one has heard of makes you wonder if a 
lot of umpire books imply that umps live on their own world. Or that umpire books require you to 
point at the camera.
Little did we know that while they may think of themselves as breed of their own, and that many 
do perform the point, the true greatness of the umpire book genre lies in the diversity of book title 
candor and excellent cover art.

I don't even understand what this book is but that's a heck of a cover.  (shown larger due to small book title print)

Boring given the high standard above if implied risk of bloodshed in being an umpire.

Better because my Uncle moved to Texas and his first job was teaching and coaching baseball in Chillicothe, TX.  The subtitle makes it.

And my personal favorite.  I don't know who's idea that pose was but it was brilliant.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Raizen Bran

I am a fan of bold product moves. The go with your strengths and be honest kind of products. Put your money into making something better or cheaper, I'll find out its good if it is on my own. I have this box of Fiber One Raisin Bran here and it says right on the box, "Tastes better then Kellogg's Raisin Bran." They don't care who you are, if you buy this box you will think we taste better, or you are wrong. My kind of product.

P.S. If you care, I think the Fiber One flakes are kind of cardboardy but they make up for it by having nut clusters, and who doesn't like nut clusters? Eh ladies?...Eh..? Its not exactly fair though as Fiber One costs more. You get 30% more fiber from Fiber One. Taste vs. Kellogg's to this guy? Tie.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A Favorite Pawlenty moment

Besides his portrayal of Slapshot hockey characters at charity events. Full credit there.

School Pool VETOED
The teachers' union, Education Minnesota, once again pushed for a single health insurance risk pool for school district employees. This was vetoed by the governor, who had signaled that he would be prepared to consider such a proposal if Education Minnesota dropped their opposition to other education reforms.