Friday, June 4, 2010

Umpire book covers are cooler then you realize

This discovery started by the fact that I once bought 
someone a book called "Planet of the Umps" as a 
wedding gift.

Then Evan and Casey were found reading a book called 
"As They See 'Em: A Fan's Travels in the Land of Umpires".

Knowing those two titles as the only two umpire books one has heard of makes you wonder if a 
lot of umpire books imply that umps live on their own world. Or that umpire books require you to 
point at the camera.
Little did we know that while they may think of themselves as breed of their own, and that many 
do perform the point, the true greatness of the umpire book genre lies in the diversity of book title 
candor and excellent cover art.

I don't even understand what this book is but that's a heck of a cover.  (shown larger due to small book title print)

Boring given the high standard above if implied risk of bloodshed in being an umpire.

Better because my Uncle moved to Texas and his first job was teaching and coaching baseball in Chillicothe, TX.  The subtitle makes it.

And my personal favorite.  I don't know who's idea that pose was but it was brilliant.